Tuesday, July 9, 2024



Cover image of An Anthology of South-East Asian Music

The above painting illustrates a recording of a Semoq Beri shaman from a volume of An Anthology of South-East Asian Music dedicated to the Semoi of Malacca. The inside of the album has many images, including one of the performing shaman. I opted to use the image from the cover of the album because of the series of full-length indigenous female individuals I am working on, reverting back to this not so politically correct mode of image making. Years ago I swore not to engage in "exoticism" and stay away from gratuitous nudity. Here I go again—against my own better judgement. The above painting is 24x12 inches, the three below are 20x10.
Bassa girl from Ivory Coast

Pao Cocha, wife of Shipobo Chief, Peru

Sanapana woman, Gran Chaco, Paraguay

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