Ashaninka (Campa) Indian, various materials on drywall, 17"x11" |
I've been thinking about randomness recently, and surrealism. Fact #1 is that it's impossible to consciously act random. Why would you even want randomness? Well, randomness is organic, it seems to replicate the processes of nature, while conscious composition seems laborious in comparison. The unconscious is, per the surrealists, and Sigmund Freud, where the truth and the essence of being is situated. Fact #2 is that computers are better equipped to act in a random fashion. They are also better in rational thinking, compared to us subjective creatures. Do computers have consciousness, and thus an unconsciousness then? What I want to know is if the randomness of computers would act according to the same set of laws (as in fractal theories for example) as an organic entity would act. Aretribve there hidden esoteric forces at play as a result of humans creating technology in their own image? These mystic attributes are surely unintended by the creators of technology (AI included.) The above image is a work still in progress. It was formed as a byproduct of a
stencil I made to start off the Top 100 2023. I made about ten variations of this image, using the positive or negative stencil in the processes.
Happy Holidays by the way. The newest painting is unrelated to that but I was thinking about the Trinity in painting this. Shown are a woman with two children who are depicted on the back cover of the album
Indiens et Animaux Sauvages d'Amérique du Sud. They are from the Wayapi tribe who live in the Amazon region in Brasil, illustrating the Top 100 track Yopanama.
Wayapi Indians, oil on canvas, 12"x12", 2023
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