!K-2. 40"x30", oil and acrylic on canvas, 2016/2024
I recycled two works from the Top 100 2016. The idea was that they would become part of this year's 100. The paintings departed from illustrating music by the !Kung Bushmen and became their own thing. Technically the Top 100 2023 should end around this time but I don't have nearly a hundred songs yet. We'll see what happens.
!K-1. 40"x30", oil and acrylic on canvas, 2016/2024 |
Number one in the list remained to be
that song by Campa Indians from Peru. I have now completed 9 versions of the image, each starting with the same stencil. Here's number 8, that I had started last year.
Campa-8, mixed media on drywall, 12"x12", 2023/24
And number 9, just finished a few days ago.
Campa-9, mixed media on drywall, 13"x13", 2024