Untitled (in progress), 30 x 40 inches, oil on canvas, 2022
There are about 94 portraits in this painting. It's nearly finished and I guess I have to add a few more to make it one hundred exactly. It's difficult to count but I can figure it out. I'm really not sure what to do to finish it. I know the green square, that drying right now, gets one portrait. The remaining ones will either overlap or become postage stamp size to fit. I really have need a precise count before I continue. All 94 portraits are from the Top 100 2021, whose paintings are double portrait, so I really have to make another one for it to make sense. I don't know. The series were finished early so I figured I'd do something else, but as soon as I started to make marks on this empty canvas I couldn't help it to put some of these portraits on it; they're all I can see on the walls of my studio. I really didn't intend for this work to be Top 100 related. If I learned one thing from it, it's that I can take comfort in the fact that I can paint a top 100 within the span of two weeks. I'd have fifty weeks left to do whatever I please. Just a thought.... Happy New Year to all my readers.