Mad Professor/Lee "Scratch" Perry
I heard the news through the
No Wave facebook group I subscribe to. The page, the group, they are actually responsible for about half of the non-ethnographic recordings in this year's list. I was surprised to find Lee Perry on
No Wave as most materials posted relate to the No Wave movement one way or another. But I clicked on the YouTube link and enjoyed listening to the clip a whole bunch. Then a few hours later a second post appeared and I knew something was up:
Lee "Scratch" Perry had just died. Lee Perry died on August 29 in Jamaica, he was 85. Last week I listened to a number of his records, including ones I have myself on vinyl, and watched several live videos on YouTube. The song that made it into the Top 100 was the first video posted by the No Wave group:
Heads of Government, a live recording made during the
Tibetan Freedom Festival in 1997 in New York City. He is assisted by Mad Professor & the Robotiks Band. Mad Professor (b. Neil Fraser, 1955, Guyana) was also Perry's collaborator when H
eads of Government was recorded on
Black Ark ExPerryment in 1995. Originally it appeared on
History, Mystery & Prophesy from 1984.