Sunday, January 21, 2018

Inuit Throat Singing: Katajjait

Celina Kalluk and Tanya Tagaq
24 x 18 inches, oil on canvas, 2018
Celina Kalluk and Tanya Tagaq are two of today's best known Inuit throat singers. Katajjait (the plural of katajjaq) are throat songs usually performed by two women. A number of these songs have entered the current top 100 list. I've listened to many performances by both Kalluk and Tagaq (they are cousins) but most katajjait in top 100 are by anonymous performers. The painting initially was not meant to be of musicians but rather an exercise in a purely intuitive approach to painting in which I practice to not reject any thought that comes up in my head during the process. When first faced with the blank canvas, deliberating the first brush marks, our cat decided to hang out in my studio. Not rejecting the thought, I painted her.

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